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 Financial support

For all the actions we do, we also need your financial support! Here are the options:


  • You can donate to us by clicking on the button below (where you can pay using iDEAL, PayPal, etc. through the website, which takes 5% for their administrational work).

  • You can do a direct bank transfer (see our bank details on the Foundation Details page). 

  • You can do a periodic bank transfer (fill out the document  and send it back to us for tax reductions in the Netherlands, more info here).

On our upcoming annual report you will be able to read all our expenses and incomes, so you know where your money goes. Thanks so much in advance!


Clean Climber needs you!


For all the actions we do, we also need your financial support!

A big thank-you goes out to Monk, who always have and still support Clean Climber in many ways in making our sport sustainable.

