What to expect:
Climbing and Cleanup: After driving up on Thursday, we’ll spend Friday and Saturday exploring the beautiful forest of Fontainebleau and climbing (bring your climbing gear and crashpad). Sunday we’ll head out for a cleanup together with the guys and girls from Fanatic climbing aswell as many volunteers. Cleaning gear and supplies will be organized by Clean climber and Fanatic.
Camping: We’ll be camping at camping Les Pres, so bring your gear (tent/sleepingbag/sleeping mat aswell as a plate/cup/cutery). Its a great opportunity to meet like-minded climbing enthusiasts, share stories, and enjoy meals and beers together around the campfire after a long days work.
Self-Drive: Participants are responsible for their own transportation. Carpooling is encouraged—let us know if you have extra space or need a ride via the registration form!
Costs: We ask participants for contribution of 60 Euros to cover for meals and camping (We’ll take care of cooking dinner and making breakfast, lunch is your own responsibility)
T-shirt: Bring an old T-shirt and we’ll screenprint it into an official Clean Climber uniform.
Once registration closes everyone will be invited to a Whatsapp group to coordinate further details.